Horoscope for Tuesday, May 21

Given the presence of the Moon, Saturn and Uranus, Virgos will face conflicting energies. The Moon invites you to become aware of your emotional blockages. Uranus asks you to act and go out to get what you really want, while Saturn sets limits and slows you down.

In love, if you are in a relationship, you are working hard to change your behavior and even if your bad habits are very ingrained, you're trying hard to break them. If you are single, you start to wonder if your refusal to stop being single isn't doing you more harm than good as you don't seem to share anything with anyone anymore.

Professionally, expect problems, people are putting spokes in your wheels and you risk flying off the handle. And financially your projects are also being called into question, although you can rest assured nothing is final there either.


For Virgos today the astral climate indicates luck in your professional projects. Uranus is there to support you in your career.

In addition, you have faith in the Universe to help you unblock the things that are preventing you from moving forward. This confidence helps you to overcome your obstacles with ease, one after the other.


Virgo in love

In love the Virgo astral climate is encouraging you to reflect on what you really want from your love life. The Moon is urging you to realize you have a tendency to sabotage your own relationships. If you are in a relationship, this could be the knowledge you were missing so you can make healthy changes before this relationship ends in chaos and loss.

And if you are single, you finally realize that the isolation you're living in is slowly eating up your vital energy. Focusing on your work is not the way to heal your emotional wounds.

In a relationship: you mature psychologically

If there is something that annoys Virgos, it's when people point out flaws in your behavior. But today, the Moon and Saturn are not being gentle with you because they make you understand that if you want to keep your partner, you will have to stop being childish and become more emotionally mature.

Your inconsistency is undermining your relationship. If you want to save your relationship, your only solution is to behave like a responsible adult and stop running away from commitment.

Single: being alone doesn't work for you

If you are a Virgo who has been taking refuge in your work to avoid risking more heartache, today you'll realize that you are your own worst enemy. Your withdrawal into yourself hasn't healed your wounds and you feel more and more alone.

Even your professional or material success doesn't give you the satisfaction you expect because you have no one to share your victories with. Uranus invites you to give up this behavior as quickly as possible and finally let love and light into your life again.


Virgo at work

For Virgos the astral climate indicates work can be a little frustrating on this May 21. If you had planned a business trip to negotiate contracts for the company you work at, you may find Saturn has something to say about that, which makes you angry.

It seems that even though you were asked to carry out this task, in the end it will be assigned to a colleague and that makes you beside yourself. You feel this is a betrayal by your management.

Opportunities: offered by Uranus

Virgos are known to be endowed with great patience and you know how to seize opportunities when they come your way.

And this May 21, your time has come thanks to Uranus, who offers you the job you've always dreamed of. This is the opportunity for you to open a new door in your career and you'll grab it with both hands!

Virgo and money

When it comes to finances, the astral climate indicates Virgos should expect disappointments this Tuesday. In fact, if you were waiting for your bank to agree to give you a personal or real estate loan, Saturn will slow down your projects for the moment.

Your home purchase will have to wait for better days. Suddenly, you put in all the extra time you can so you can put some money aside while thinking about possibly changing bank and unlocking things that way.

Gains and losses: you stay calm no matter what

Today the Moon helps you to be very patient with your finances because you sense the arrival of a sum of money.

It seems that Virgos show proof of clairvoyance on this May 21 and thanks to Uranus it's possible you'll get a bonus or a refund that will boost your bank account.


An overview of your day of May 21

This Tuesday, Virgos are tossed between realization, desire and possibilities for growth, punctuated by various and varied blockages. The Moon forces you to face what is keeping you from moving forward in your love life.

If you are single, your tendency to feel sorry for yourself and hide away in a corner has just ended because you realize that it is not doing you any good. You isolated yourself because you are afraid of the heartbreak love can bring but you must find the strength to get out of this downward spiral.

If you are in a relationship, you finally understand that you won't get far if you can't commit yourself more. If your partner can't trust you because of your immaturity, there may not be a future for you two, so now is the time to quickly find a solution to this problem. Professionally and financially, on this day you will need to control your emotions and cultivate patience to obtain what you desire.

My advice for making the most of today

As surprising as it may seem, if you want to keep your hands on the reins of your destiny, you will have to learn to let go of your need to control external events and have faith in the fact that the trials placed in your path by the Universe are for your greater good.

Today, you will also have to face both your dark and your light sides. You need to realize that you have to work on yourself to improve your personal situation. However, know that deep inside you already have everything that is necessary to grow and develop a better version of yourself.

The Moon of May 21

Waxing gibbous

The waxing gibbous moon invites you to continue tranquilly along the path you have chosen. Patience, perseverance and strength of character will be on the program for the next few days. But you are able to get through this with your eyes shut!

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