Horoscope for Tuesday, May 07

Today Virgos are subject to the influence of the Moon, Mars and Uranus. This means sudden and unpredictable events in all areas of your life. You have been warned! Emotionally speaking, there could be broken hearts at the end of this day, especially for singles who have started a relationship recently.

On the other hand, if you are in a relationship that's been rocky recently, this Tuesday could see an unexpected turnaround. Professionally, you are tired of making yourself ill by putting up with a situation that is not right for you. And if the opportunities don't come to you, you'll be seeking them out!

Financially, your assets are protected, and you have no shortage of ideas to make them grow. This May 7, it looks like luck is on your side wherever you go or whatever you do. In short, this Tuesday will be very eventful and rich in emotions of all kinds.


When it comes to luck, the astral climate for Virgos is good. It seems your relationships with your friends and family are in good shape.

And in addition, the configuration is on your side for success in exams or projects. Likewise, if you want to sign a contract, this May 7 is the ideal day because luck is definitely your ally and should lead you to the right people.


Virgo in love

The romantic astral climate for Virgos seems to depend on a sort of reverse polarity. Singles who thought they had met true love, may experience a huge disappointment today. That new relationship that seemed so strong is as fragile as a house of cards and you'll learn it the hard way.

You risk making some very unpleasant discoveries. On the other hand, couples who are struggling have an unexpected opportunity to make a fresh start today. It remains to be seen whether you will seize this opportunity to regain your freedom or let it pass. 

In a relationship: your heart swings between flight and forgiveness

Some Virgos are in strong relationships, bound to a partner not just officially but by destiny. However, your love story is marked by inconstancy, power and lies. You know this is a kind of toxic relationship, but you find it very difficult to let go of your partner.

Today, Uranus is offering you a choice. Either you decide to open a new chapter in your life and leave. Or you give your relationship another chance to work better by giving up old habits. The key is whether you want to forgive and try again, or not.

Single: you fall hard

This May 7, under the impact of Mars, some Virgos can expect to receive an icy shower when their brand-new love comes to an abrupt end. You may even get the push by phone or worse, by text.

After feeling so fulfilled lately and sure that this time was for real, this Tuesday you'll understand you didn't really know the person you loved. Some lies will surface and when you ask questions silence may be the reply.


Virgo at work

On this May 7, the astral configuration marks the end of an era for Virgos at work. Indeed, some Virgos are more than a little tired of the constraints their work imposes on them. You feel lonely and uncomfortable but also guilty about giving up a job that pays your bills.

However, influenced by Mars, today you could bite the bullet and decide to quit your job. It could be you'll hand in your resignation letter or take the severance package that's been offered. You're determined not to compromise any longer, even if it means burning your boats.

Opportunities: that you'll need to conquer

You're not the type to sit idly by and wait for things to happen. So, since you don't see yourself in the role of victim, you might decide to look for what you want elsewhere, whether it's a job in another region or even in another country.

Influenced by Uranus, you won't hesitate to knock on the doors of any companies that interest you to offer them your services. And with a bit of luck, you might get a positive response sooner than you expect.

Virgo and money

The astral climate for Virgos on the financial side is quite interesting. Influenced by Uranus, the childlike enthusiasm of your positive side makes you want to start new projects and perhaps partner with someone to create your business.

You trust your lucky star to help you build a solid partnership and grow your assets the right way.

Gains and losses: good choices bring big profits

You're likely to go out all guns blazing in your personal or professional life, thanks to Mars. But when it comes to your money the Moon gives you a balance which should help you to choose the right options to bring abundance your way.

This May 7, you could receive the fruits of your savvy investments, and the harvest is likely to be very good. Your strategy is paying off!


An overview of your day of May 7

Virgos risk having a rather tumultuous love life this Tuesday. Mars, Uranus, and the Moon don't do things by halves, and you are unlikely to find yourself faced with ambiguous scenarios. Either you adjust your relationship with your partner to create something more balanced, or the relationship ends here. You're not interested in half measures and by the end of this day, you'll know in which direction you intend to continue your journey.

For singles, the situation is more delicate, and you may experience a disappointment that could break your heart. However, it is better to be faced with this kind of crisis now than to only realize you've been taken for a ride after several years.

Professionally, you decide to take your destiny in hand and you no longer intend to stay in a job that is making you miserable. Financially, your accounts seem to be in the black and that's good news!

My advice for making the most of today

You have an elevated conception of power and destiny. You know that you won't achieve much going it alone, so you favor partnerships and alliances to go further. You have a constant desire to progress and find a balance between the dictates of your heart and the realities of the world around you.

Today, even if you feel a little shaken up by events, you're still looking for a solid foundation that will support you as you move forward. Assume that life's hardships are not meant to destroy you but to teach you and help you grow spiritually.

The Moon of May 7

New Moon

The new moon will help you become aware of all the qualities that lie dormant within you. Like the princess waking from an enchanted sleep, you'll see all the beauties of the universe in a new light. Lucky you! 

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