Monthly horoscope

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Your horoscope for August 2024


As their astral conjunction is well balanced, Béliers can expect to spend a particularly pleasant August. The meeting of Mercury and Mars can be considered an excellent omen ...

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Obviously, the Le Taureau astral conjunction is particularly conducive to becoming more fulfilled, self-respect and slow and certain personal growth. Crossed by the Sun, ...

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Governed by the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus, the le Gémeaux astral conjunction bodes well for great surprises this August. The sunny days are obviously perfect for you! In your ...

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In view of your astral conjunction, you will certainly be interested in change, development and temporality in the coming weeks. During August it's likely a number of questions ...

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The astral climate of August should arouse your curiosity, especially if you aspire to change. Governed by the Moon, Pluto and Jupiter, the le Lion astral conjunction testifies ...

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It only takes a few seconds to realize that the stars will play in your favor in August! Governed by Venus, Mars and Jupiter, the le Vierge astral conjunction clearly shows a ...

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In August, the la Balance astral conjunction will present a fine balance, which should allow you to enjoy particularly rewarding weeks. Crossed by Mercury, Saturn and Pluto, ...

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Looking at the planets in the le Scorpion astral sky, the time for rebellion seems to have come! Governed by Mars, Uranus and Neptune, the astral climate indicates that you are ...

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Having analyzed the planets in your astral sky this August, it is clear you have nothing to worry about in the coming weeks. Governed by the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus, the le ...

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The association of planets that will cross the le Capricorne astral sky in August is particularly interesting. The meeting of Mercury, Uranus and Neptune is likely to bring ...

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In August, you will face a particularly interesting astral conjunction, which should in all likelihood offer you the opportunity to advance your life project and take action on ...

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In view of the planets currently in the le Poisson astral sky, there is no doubt that you will feel full of energy and very motivated during this month of August. The meeting ...

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Important days in August 2024

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