Monthly Horoscope for January 2024

It goes without saying that your astral conjunction this January is a little strange.  Crossed by Venus, Saturn and Uranus, your astral sky testifies to your increasingly urgent desire to implement some changes in your life, but also to the strong need for security which is preventing you from making the necessary decisions.

In this confrontation of energies, it's difficult for the moment to know which will emerge victorious. From an emotional point of view, this contradiction will probably leave you feeling frustrated, but fortunately you'll dispel this by seeking the help of your loved ones.

Venus tells me that the coming weeks will undoubtedly be marked by friendship, sharing and tenderness. In spite of your difficulties, you can expect a certain form of balance to emerge.


A first two weeks under the influence of Uranus

As seductive as it may seem at first glance, beware of the energy of Uranus, especially if you do not feel the urge to make profound changes to your daily routine.

In the first half of January, you will have to make use of a lot of self-control in order not to give in to your impulses and get involved in projects that are not really worth the trouble for you. As is the case for a lot of Scorpios, you have a tendency to want to make progress too quickly.

Remember, if you put the cart before the horse, it's very difficult to move forwards! In order to avoid regretting decisions that you've made on impulse it is essential that you take the time to think carefully about the potential consequences of your action. You are not in any rush to act.

Will the first of the year bring change?

While you have rarely felt the need to make new year's resolutions, the situation will be significantly different this year. You are aware of the imperfections in your current life and want to create something that makes you happy, so at the beginning of January you'll be ready to review your plan of attack.

Although your intentions are laudable, they will also tend to put too much pressure on you. If you want to enjoy a more serene everyday life, don't set the bar so high and let things come to you. Trust your lucky star. It's watching over you.

New moon of January 10

In January, the new moon will inspire you to spend time freely exploring your inner world in order to try to get a better understanding of what motivates you in life. Therefore, it is likely you’ll find the time you need to think deeply about things over the coming days. This is a great opportunity for you to cultivate your inner garden and learn exactly what you want from life. Serenity is priceless!


A second two weeks to refocus and relax

You can be happy to see the passage of Neptune in the Scorpio astral sky, since this planet will encourage you to make the most of your social life and to surround yourself with the people who are important to you, as often as you feel the need.

Some of the discussions you will have with them will help you to see your situation in a new light, but also to take a step back from the difficulties you are currently facing. In recent times, you have tended to get stuck in your thoughts and neglect some of your needs.

Spending good times with your friends can only contribute to your well-being. Thanks to them, you will have the support you need to overcome the challenges that life always has to offer. Your resources are plentiful. So don't worry too much.

You have questions about your career

The process of introspection that you'll start in January will certainly lead you to question some of your career aspirations. The presence of Saturn in your sky suggests that you'll need some time to get a more precise idea of the objectives you would really like to achieve.

Despite the need for change that is currently preoccupying you, don't rush unnecessarily. There will come a time when your ideas will be much clearer. You'll have no trouble knowing when.

Full moon of January 25

This January's full moon can be considered as an invitation to relax and let go a little. Under its influence, therefore, you will be more than ready to give yourself the moments of respite that are essential for you to really flourish. By taking the time to refocus on your true needs, you will give yourself a chance to serenely enjoy the very real benefits of your current situation and push the little hassles of everyday life to one side. Thanks to this, you'll find it easy to regain your enthusiasm for life.

What to remember in January

The encounter of Uranus and Saturn in the Scorpio astral heaven heralds a merciless battle. It could also give rise to some emotional difficulties in the first half of January.

Because it is important to you to lead a life in perfect harmony with your hopes, dreams, and desires, you will almost certainly put a lot of pressure on yourself to try to get things moving. Although you will probably find your impulses difficult to control, you will finally manage to stay sensible and fight your ephemeral desires.

Like many Scorpios, you are well aware that the best decisions are always made over time. And your patience is proof that you have finally acquired some wisdom.

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