Weekly Horoscope for the week of February 17

The presence of the Sun and Jupiter heralds a deeply enriching week of 17 to 23 February from a personal point of view.

At work and at home, don't be surprised if you are full of energy in the coming days. In particular, this should help you to have a very active social life. From a general point of view, the energies associated with these planets suggest that you are bound to meet with success soon, whether it be in your career or your love life.

If you are single and looking for a soulmate, this is good news for you. But be careful, love is not always found where you expect it.

When it comes to love you'll actively seek to be with your partner. This week you want to spend as much time with them as possible. To do this, you will be ready to push some of your responsibilities to one side. After all, life is all about priorities and love is high on your list.

At work you'll find that establishing a good team atmosphere will be more important than efficiency this week of 17 to 23 February. Your communication skills will be particularly useful in this regard. What 's the point of letting unnecessary tensions build up?


You can look favorably on the meeting of the Sun and Jupiter. Under the influence of these two stars, you will have no difficulty getting fully involved in your projects and making the most of the love of your family and friends.

In short, it looks like this week of 17 to 23 February will be very good humored. This is an ideal situation if you want to life fully in the present moment and not attach too much important to any difficulties you are currently encountering. In the comfort of your home, you'll be able to let your partner know how grateful you are to have them around, and the feeling will be reciprocated.

A new joint project could also strengthen your couple. It is said that lasting relationships are those that are capable of constant reinvention. The terrain currently seems conducive to exchange, sharing and thought about the future. In short, everything is going well.

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