Horoscope for Saturday, July 27

Dear Sagittarius, don't be surprised. The astral conjunctions are not really in your favor on this July 27 and you'll feel more vindictive than usual. Today, you'll be ready to defend your views and put your opponents in their place. It'll be tough on anyone who has the bad luck to cross your path or who decides to contradict you!

The influence of Mars is obvious here. Although it can be misunderstood by others, this aggressiveness actually reflects your extraordinary motivation and deep desire to achieve the goals you've set for yourself.

So you don't make too many waves at home or at work, you will need to make a conscious effort to control your emotions because you obviously don't want to act irresponsibly or harm those around you. So, when you start to feel angry, take a deep breath and count to ten before saying words that you might regret later.

The test of the day: is luck smiling on you?  

Despite your willingness, the stars are definitely not on your side today. Don't lose hope, just accept you need to think more about the long-term. If you are patient enough, sooner or later your luck will change.

From a general point of view, you would gain a lot by developing some zenitude. You seem to think that the small problems of everyday life are more important than they really are.


Sagittarius in love

Mars in your sky will make you particularly adventurous today. Sagittarius in a relationship will want to talk about their projects with their partner and tell them about their desire to make a long-term commitment. However, if this is you, be careful not to jump the gun as the consequences could be disastrous for your relationship.

Single Sagittarius will use their charm to win people over. There's only a small step between seduction and manipulation, so be careful what you do. Think about other people and not just yourself.

In a relationship: boldness and physical pleasure

Today, you'll have boundless energy and lots of initiative. So it's quite natural you're going to want to share some quality time with your partner and explain your vision of the future to them.

After all, don't you think joint projects are the basis of any lasting couple? A little private time together might make you feel even closer! Today's program is about making sure your acts match your words.

Single: you know what you want

Under the influence of Mars, what you want most of all is to experience a fiery passion. Your overwhelming desire to conquer makes you attractive, but also a little irresponsible. It's not so much love as the need for possession that is guiding your action at the moment.

So don't let yourself be lulled by chimeras and be careful not to create too much chaos around you. With a little more restraint, you should be able to get what you want without harming anyone. Remember that love is about sharing and symbiosis, not power and domination.


Sagittarius at work

At work today, your vitality is ensured by the presence of the Sun in your sky. In other words, you will feel full of energy and more visibly motivated than usual. This is an opportunity to make real progress in your projects, to stand out from the crowd and to be pleased with yourself.

Your ability to make an effort will not go unnoticed. If you can keep it up it is bound to be rewarded sooner or later.

Opportunities to look out for

Being so full of energy won't stop you paying attention to what is going on around you. The Moon will allow you to instinctively identify any opportunities that may appear.

You have a clear idea of what your career needs, so take your chance if the situation is favorable.

Sagittarius and money

Like many Sagittarius, your character is both an asset and a disadvantage when it comes to your finances. Your zest for life encourages you to keep moving forward, which is perfect for getting things done.

However, your impatience sometimes pushes you to take risks that are too big, meaning your financial stability is not always guaranteed. 

Gains and losses, the importance of controlling your impulses

If you want financial stability it's never constructive to change everything for a whim. Beware: today's impulsiveness may lead you to make decisions that you regret later.

Stay calm and don't make choices today. In this astral context, this seems to be the most reasonable solution.


An overview of your day of July 27

Under the influence of the Sun and Mars today you'll be full of energy that you might have difficulty channeling. Your head will be stuffed full of ideas and you'll be on fire to get involved in new projects, whether they relate to your professional life or your romantic life.

This remarkable vitality is to be applauded, even if it could lead to its share of complications. At work, for example, you will be so determined to prove your worth that you will easily forget the rules of decorum. Remember that the best ideas are most often the ones that last. What seems right to you on this July 27 may not be right tomorrow.

In your love life your need to be seen and heard is completely legitimate. However, remember to take your partner's opinion into consideration as well, it could help you get a better understanding of your future together. A little restraint, please!

My tip on how to make the most of today

So that you don't cause too much damage today try not to overreact to your emotions which will be particularly powerful today. Your urge to move forward does not justify behaving any old how. So learn to take a step back from events and not to act too quickly on your feelings.

Although it's understandable that you value your independence the people around you could offer you valuable advice which you would do well to listen to more carefully. This will also help your self-development.

The Moon of July 27

Waning gibbous

During the waning gibbous moon you should take a step back from recent events so you can analyze them calmly. Don't be discouraged by little setbacks and don't be overly confident if you are successful. It's all a matter of proportion. 

Sagittarius compatibility

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