Weekly Horoscope for the week of September 09

The planets present in your sky clearly suggest that this week of 9 to 15 September will be one of upheaval. Were you expecting a quiet week, cocooned by your certainties?

The passage of Uranus in the Libra astral sky makes this unlikely to happen, especially if you've already experienced a desire for change in recent months. Under the influence of this planet, you will be full of energy in the coming days which will help you to break some of your bad habits and introduce a new dynamic into your daily life.

Your strength of character and determination are undeniable. Just be careful you only commit to projects that are truly worthwhile to you. The risk of error is significant.

When it comes to love, be careful not to rush into words that you might later regret, especially if you are already in a relationship. Give yourself time to understand what it is you really want. Are you single? Your charisma will be undeniable. Use it wisely, respecting other people’s limits.

At work, the energy you will feel from Monday should help you make progress with your assignments. If you are looking fora job, a great opportunity could come your way. Pay attention to how you look and behave and what you say.


This week will be full of twists and turns

In view of the planets present in your sky this week of 9 to 15 September, change is certain to be on the program. You seem to have reached a point of no return. Some behavior you once accepted has now become intolerable to you.

You are keen to respect your own needs so won't hesitate to get going and start a new chapter in the great book that is your life. You will have immense reserves of energy that will allow you to go as far as you want. Be careful though, your impulsiveness may cause you problems.

So take care to use your energy wisely, that is to say in projects that will still be important to you in a few weeks’ time. There is no point in rushing, you have your whole future ahead of you. And qualities galore!

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