Monthly Horoscope for August 2024

In August, the Libra astral conjunction will present a fine balance, which should allow you to enjoy particularly rewarding weeks. Crossed by Mercury, Saturn and Pluto, your astral sky highlights your ability to think about your action over the long term, without worrying about the impulses you feel at the moment.

It also testifies to your ability to challenge some of your anchored certainties when necessary. So, in the coming weeks, you should see your daily life undergoing some changes. And you'll feel quite happy in a dynamic of reform, both at home and at work.

However, because you are concerned about your emotional well-being you will not make the mistake of rushing. Patience is one of the resources you can rely on to move your life plan forward.


A first two weeks to implement your strategy

Even though you feel your current life is satisfactory, you'll use the relaxed summer atmosphere to take an honest look at your daily routine and try to make small changes. You will be interested in all areas of your life, your love life as well as you work life and finances.

Once you understand what you want and need, you'll take some time to create a strategy to help you achieve it, giving yourself some clearly defined steps. The presence of Saturn in your astral sky indicates that you are perfectly aware of the dangers of being impulsive and that you will prefer to plan your action over the long-term.

The patience you will show in this first part of August will undoubtedly be one of your greatest qualities. Thanks to it, you will be well equipped to face the challenges that life always has to offer.

Summer helps release the pressure

Despite the personal challenges you currently face, in the first part of August you will be able to take a step back from your difficulties and really enjoy all the good things in your life.

In view of your astral conjunction, there is every reason to believe that you'll want to spend time with your loved ones, recharging your batteries and relaxing. Their support and advice will help you feel more serene and get a better understanding of the questions you are asking yourself.

New moon of August 04

This August's new moon advises you to take the time to define the objectives you would ultimately like to achieve more precisely. If you want to develop in a direction that reflects who you truly are you need to detach yourself from traditional thought patterns and societal norms. After all, only you can really know what is best for you.


A second two weeks under the sign of patience

The meeting of Pluto and Saturn in the Libra astral sky is interesting, in that it testifies to your ability to choose your fights well. Since you will be perfectly clear about what you really need from life, you'll have no difficulty separating the wheat from the chaff and only getting involved in projects that have a real sense for you.

And even though your action is primarily focused on the long-term, you won't hesitate to change some of your habits if you feel that they are detrimental to your well-being.

The progress you'll soon see will contribute to your long-term development as it will make you aware that your future really can be bright. Baby steps will get you there far more effectively than one giant leap!

Your love life is good for you

In this second half of August, you will find your partner has got your back, which will help you to go calmly through your trials, and they will guide you in a direction that really suits you. The kindness they will show you is a sign of their infinite love and you'll obviously be ready to return the favor when the opportunity arises.

Are you single? The passage of Saturn in your astral sky advises you not to commit to things too quickly. Despite the excitement you feel when you meet someone new, any lasting relationship has to be built over time.

Full moon of August 19

In August, the full moon will bring you the calm, serenity and gentleness that are important to you if you are going to think serenely about your future. By encouraging you to go out, meet others and spend time with them, it will help you to enjoy particularly pleasant days, and also to distance yourself from the questions that are on your mind at the moment. Under its influence, you will listen to the difficulties expressed by your loved ones and try to find solutions for them. Your ability to listen without judging is to be commended.

What to remember in August

From a general point of view, you have nothing to fear from this month of August, which should allow you to progress the projects that make sense to you at your own pace. In the coming weeks, you will be able to rely on numerous resources to try to improve the quality of your daily life.

And what are they? Your ability to plan, your sociability and your courage. The presence of Saturn in the Libra astral sky suggests that your priority will be to consider your action over the long-term and that, most of the time, you won't be expecting to obtain immediate results.

After all, every empire has taken time to grow. However, when you do feel speed is necessary, you'll be ready to accelerate the pace.

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