Horoscope for Tuesday, May 21

The atmosphere of this day will be influenced by Mercury, Venus and Neptune. For Libras this can translate into a desire to experience beauty. You feel capable of bringing all your dreams to life and you would like to live forever in an ocean of gentleness. (Un)fortunately, Mercury tempers your Care Bear side.

This Tuesday, it will force your head out of the clouds to look at some things without a rose-colored filter. This is particularly the case in your love life where you can't hide away from certain facts that are becoming more and more obvious.

Professionally, luck and time are in your favor. This will help you to discern who is really supporting you in your workplace. Financially, you need to take a step back and think carefully about how you want to invest your money. Taking some time to think is never a bad thing.


Fortunate Libras, it seems luck will help you get through this day with a smile on your face, especially in the professional and financial fields. This Tuesday, you have a remarkable ability to bounce back and adapt to difficult situations.

You know how to compromise when the scales aren't tipping in your favor to begin with. Bright ideas and small gifts are also on the program for this day.


Libra in love

The astral climate for Libras in matters of the heart is very contrasted. For singles, Venus and Neptune invite you to stop your inner struggle and fall into the arms of someone who has attracted you for a long time. Your high standards forbade you to give in to temptation, but you also know that you only have one life.

Above all, you are tired of struggling with what you are feeling. If you're in a relationship, things tend to get tricky as Mercury activates your sense of logic. You may be very in love with your partner, but the fact remains that there are details that bother you. You begin to doubt the honesty of the person who shares your life.

In a relationship: the veil is lifted

Whether you have been in a relationship for a long time or it's fairly recent, Mercury is making you prick up your ears and you sense some things in your partner's behavior are just not right. It seems that Neptune had helped you idealize your partner.

This Tuesday, you put your finger on some lies that sow doubt in your mind. If asked you would have staked everything on the strength of this relationship and now you understand you are living in a dream world. So you wonder whether this relationship truly has a future.

Single: you finally give up the struggle

Venus reminds you that you can't live without love for ever and you need some gentleness in your life. If there is someone you like, this Tuesday you'll tear down the barriers you put up to protect yourself.

You are pretty grounded, and you're fed up with battling a fate that keeps putting the same person on your path. You finally decide to stop being afraid and go with the flow, and you might be surprised at the result. Who knows what may happen! This could just be your soul mate.


Libra at work

At work, the astral climate for Libras is favorable to development. Even though it may seem like you are in an unstable situation, Mercury works behind the scenes to further your career.

Luck and time are on your side and before long you will be climbing the ladder and improving your life. This May 21, expect to receive compliments on the quality of your work, you deserve them.

Opportunities: where you don't expect them

This May 21, if you've been relying on your network of friends to find you a job, you should think again. Neptune causes you to mistake your desires for reality and you're likely to have a sudden and uncomfortable return to earth.

If anyone around you has had a good lead, they've been quick to seize the opportunity for themselves. On the other hand, your salvation will come from your ability to create your own job and Mercury is here to give you a helping hand in that direction.

Libra and money

On the financial side, the Libra astral sky invites you to be cautious and take your time. You certainly have lots of plans in mind, but while Neptune tells you that anything is possible, Mercury brings you back to Earth to study all the ins and outs of those plans.

Taking the time to really understand things clearly is essential so that you don't make an irreparable mistake.

Gains and losses: money is coming your way

This May 21, Venus is generous with Libras. It brings you unexpected sums through a bonus at work or even an inheritance that you had no idea might be coming.

Take advantage of these windfalls to treat yourself but still save a few pennies for less prosperous days.


An overview of your day of May 21

The presence of Mercury, Venus and Neptune can sometimes have surprising effects on Libras. Overall, the day is shaping up to be pretty good financially. All the indicators are good, it is up to you not to upset the current balance of your finances.

Professionally, you will undoubtedly have to be clear on the difference between the people who support you and those who are ready to stick a knife in your back. Assume that you can only count on yourself; this will save you a lot of disappointments and you'll know any success is down to you.

In your love life, you may experience a big disappointment if you are in a relationship, because lies will surface, and the truth could lead to a serious blow to your self-confidence. On the other hand, if you are single, it's a good idea to let go for once because only then will you find that love will truly enter your life.

My advice for making the most of today

This day is synonymous with change. You may find your confidence in others and your notion of sustainability gets bruised. Nevertheless, you will succeed in freeing yourself from some of the fears that have imprisoned and limited you. Looking reality full in the face, letting go a little and starting to take care of yourself can be very liberating.

If you clear up your mess and make room in your life, it allows you to welcome something better down the road. Always remember that the only thing that keeps you from moving forward is yourself, you are the guardian of your own prison. It is up to you to break your chains, to move towards a brighter future and take back power over your life.

The Moon of May 21

Waxing gibbous

Giving up or spending too much time looking back is clearly not an option. The waxing gibbous moon encourages you to be determined. Success is at the end of the path you have embarked on. Enjoy the magnificent landscapes it will offer you!

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