Horoscope for Sunday, May 19

With Mercury, Venus and Uranus in the sky Libras should prepare for the unexpected this May 19. Sudden events and sudden realizations that arrive without warning mean you'll have to adapt quickly to the new situation you are facing.

In your love life it looks like you are going to be a parent sooner than you imagined and it bothers you a lot. You will have to make peace with your own childhood to be able to consider this new stage of your life with serenity.

Professionally, you have the opportunity to make a whole new start and even to change country to give free rein to your projects. Financially, your ideas are fizzing all over the place and it's hard to know your priority for investing your money. In terms of luck, it seems you are immune to financial loss, your accounts have never looked so good.


It looks like luck favors you today. Apart from your existential anxieties, it must be admitted that your love life is protected from crises.

The same applies to the professional field, where communication is clearly favored by the influence of Mercury and you conclude contracts and partnerships with disconcerting ease. One thing is certain, the word failure is not part of your vocabulary for this day of May 19.


Libra in love

The astral climate for Libras in love promises a rather action-packed time. Uranus could push you through a whirlwind that hardly leaves you time to come to your senses. If you are in a relationship, you may learn some happy news this May 19. It looks like some Libras are getting ready to become parents for the first time. Even if you are expecting it, the speed this news has arrived at shakes you up and you need time to get used to it.

If you are single, you get some enlightenment on your chaotic situation. You know you've gotten to a point where you can't keep lying to yourself. It is imperative that you make changes to your life.

In a relationship: expect the stork

Venus offers you a gentle and harmonious life with your partner but the announcement of imminent parenthood plunges you into an anguish that you had not anticipated. This is a thunderbolt out of the blue and you can already imagine all the trials and tribulations it will bring. It also reminds you of your own childhood, which may not necessarily have been happy.

Be brave! You have a few months to get used to the idea of becoming a parent and trying to forgive your own parents for any mistakes they may have made with you.

Single: Uranus pushes you to move forward

This Sunday, single Libras realize that they absolutely must make changes to their life. In fact, you have arrived at the end of a cycle which hasn't been satisfactory on any level.

You understand that it is time to extricate yourself from a triangle where you are wasting your time and your dignity and where you are only given crumbs of affection. Uranus urges you to put your life back in order and quit this situation that is destroying you. You alone have the key that will let you out of prison.


Libra at work

At work the astral climate for Libras can seem as unsettling as your romantic life. Nevertheless, it could still be your lucky day because Uranus and Mercury are pushing you to be the boss of your family business this May 19.

This would fulfill a desire that you have been secretly cultivating for several years, but the speed of this change surprises you. One thing is certain, there will be jealousy from some of the others who thought they would be in your place!

Opportunities: to settle abroad

This May 19, Venus and Uranus could bring your wildest dreams to life. Whether you want to go and breed goats in Greece or build a multinational with your friends, anything is possible.

Your efforts are facilitated and your projects take root in record time. It seems the Universe is on the same wavelength as you!

Libra and money

The Libra astral climate invites you to invest your money wisely. With Uranus around, you have no shortage of ideas for spending your cash but you still really want to make a real estate purchase.

Your goal is to quickly make your family safe and secure, both literally and figuratively. So, building or buying a house right away is your top priority.

Gains and losses: Venus sends you her gentle protective rays

You can sleep soundly, today you are unlikely to become bankrupt or even lose your wallet. You may even receive a positive response to a request for a bank loan thanks to the presence of Mercury.

The wheel of change is currently turning in your favor from a material standpoint. All you need to do is collect up all the good things falling from the sky without wasting any time.


An overview of your day of May 19

For Libras today the day is dominated by the presence of Mercury, Venus and Uranus. One thing is certain, you won't have time to get bored and the rush of events may even tend to make you lose your footing.

In your love life, you have the opportunity to strengthen the bonds of your couple by welcoming a child within a few months. But this good news is a little tarnished by your personal anxieties. You may not feel up to the task, or you may be afraid of repeating a bad family history. Be kind to yourself, no parent is perfect!

As for singles, you have had enough of being part of a threesome and finding yourself the loser of the relationship. You decide to say stop and invest yourself in a relationship that is clear from the start. Professionally, your dreams are on the way to coming true, all you have to do is choose the path you want to take.

My advice for making the most of today

During this day, you may experience certain events as major upheavals. You might feel confused and nagged inside, and ultimately what should bring you great happiness is instead a source of anxiety and insecurity. But once you think about it, it may be the suddenness of the news, rather than the facts themselves that bother you.

You need some time to digest the news, adapt and recognize the bright side of the situation. In general, no matter how dark and difficult your situation may seem, know that there is always a positive side to what happens to you. The key is to identify this element and make it a strength.

The Moon of May 19

Waxing gibbous

As the moon becomes fuller it advises you to serenely continue along the path you have opted for. In the coming days, you'll choose to see your glass as half full and you'll have no doubt about your ability to overcome any small challenges you still have to face. You have lots of resources.

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