Horoscope for Saturday, May 25

With Mercury, Saturn and Neptune in the sky it doesn't look like Scorpios are going to have their best day this year. You are not feeling your normal self and it is affecting every area of your life. In your love life, your morale is low.

If you are in a relationship, even your partner can't cheer you up; you prefer to be left alone to sulk in the corner. If you are single, your attitude today is likely to scare away any suitors so this probably won't be the day you meet your ideal partner.

Professionally, you lack the energy and responsiveness to grasp any opportunities that come your way. There is still time to rectify the situation, roll up your sleeves and show a little more conviction in what you are doing. Your finances are in good shape, so continue to follow your intuition and don't give in to urge to splurge!


In luck today, the Scorpio astral climate is supported by Mercury. Even if today you are dominated by your dreamy side, in fact I could say you are almost living on the Moon, you still have the possibility of negotiating promising contracts.

And if people reprimand you for your disjointed behavior, it's like water off a duck's back to you. You know you always end up on top eventually, so it doesn't get to you.


Scorpio in love

The astral climate for Scorpios in matters of the heart is quite bleak. If you are in a relationship, you could almost say you are being deliberately contradictory, just to annoy your partner. Saturn generously helps bring out your grumpy side, or even a little depression. So today is not the day when you'll be looking on the bright side of things!

If you are single, you too are suffering from very low energies in your life. Although you don't usually look on the dark side of things today you can't help it, your morale is low on this May 25. Make an effort to get out of this state, you are quite capable of it!

In a relationship: get your story straight!

Your relationship is not usually a tragedy but today you're in a foul temper and you've decided your partner should support you without protest. They even suggest you go out and have some fun to shake up your ideas, but this Saturday, you refuse everything.

Under Saturn's influence, anyone would think you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, you are so sad you could be in mourning! If you open your eyes properly, you'll see that you have no real reason to behave like this.

Single: you make a mountain out of a molehill

Today, Neptune and Saturn may combine their influence to give you a mistaken view of your romantic situation. You have lots of dreams in mind, you want to find the perfect partner and start a family.

However, this Saturday, whether they are real or imagined, you see obstacles everywhere in your path. You are drowning in illusions when you have all the tools you need to stop being single. Abandon this idea that your heart is irredeemably broken, it doesn't do you any favors.


Scorpio at work

At work the Scorpio astral climate is subject to the influence of Neptune and Saturn. You are overflowing with ideas and projects that you really want to bring to life. The catch is, you have so many ideas turning around in your mind that you just get lost in them.

As a result, your communication is muddled and you can't express the promising potential of your project. The moral of the tale today, stop being ineffectual, you need to revise your script and be clearer.

Opportunities: that slip by under your nose

Neptune and Saturn are really playing dirty tricks on you today and you lack lucidity. You are very unreactive when Mercury puts opportunities in your path.

It is as if you are incapable of putting two ideas together in order to follow up on the proposals made to you. Man up! You risk losing your dream job!

Scorpio and money

When it comes to finances, the astral climate has good news and bad news in store for you. Under Neptune and Saturn's influence, your illusions are shattered and you learn that a financial partnership will ultimately not happen.

Fortunately for you, Mercury comes to your rescue by offering you a plan B that will save your day. Luckily you find another investor at the last minute and it turns out to be a good option for you.

Gains and losses: your intuition protects your finances

Influenced by Saturn and Neptune, you don't necessarily like to give credit to your intuition, yet you listen to what it is whispering in your ear today.

You know that if you manage to channel your inclination to spend without thinking, your finances are likely to stay as healthy as they are on this May 25.


An overview of your day of May 25

The least I can say is that the majority of Scorpios have seen better days. With the presence of Mercury, Saturn and Neptune, you feel tired and introverted and you have neither the desire nor the energy to communicate your emotions and your desires easily.

This won't make life easy for your partner if you are in a relationship. Nothing finds favor in your eyes; nothing motivates you to display even a semblance of a smile. This is a real off day! If you are single, you are suffering from the same low morale and see obstacles everywhere when in fact it's your way of looking at things that is the real problem.

Professionally, there will be opportunities coming your way so you'll need to find the energy to make the most of them, otherwise they may slip away. You might regret that later on, so give yourself a kick if you need to, but don't let your luck pass you by! Financially, your accounts are in the black and you manage to replace an investor who abandons you at the last minute.

My advice for making the most of today

With today's astral configuration, you seem to have put yourself on pause. It looks like you are either finishing one cycle or starting another. It requires a lot of energy from you and you feel drained. You are looking for the new direction you want your life to take and you feel a little lost.

In this context, it is important to do some soul-searching in order to find out what is plunging you into a state where you feel stranded for no real reason. So, it's important to listen to what your heart is telling you and treat yourself with kindness. Don't try to force anything, you'll soon have an idea of the direction you want to give your life.

The Moon of May 25

Waning gibbous

You have just experienced a particularly intense period. So with the waning gibbous moon the time has come to make an assessment of it. During this introspective phase, be careful not to let your emotions overwhelm you. Although you can usually be trusted to be restrained on this point. 

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