Horoscope for Thursday, September 19

Today, it looks like your day could be rich in emotion of all kinds. For better or for worse, the dominant influence of Venus in your sphere indicates a real roller coaster of emotions. To get through this Thursday without a hitch, you'll need to limit the impact it has on your sensitivity, especially if you don't want to create a ruckus at home or at work.

Rest assured: Virgos are known for their perseverance and strength of character, so you shouldn't have too much trouble keeping your cool whatever the circumstances, even when you feel vulnerable or on edge. Take advantage of the quiet moments during your day to think about what's behind this hypersensitivity.

There could be lots of reasons! Are you lacking sleep at the moment? Has a recent event upset your balance? Are you anxious about your future, or at least not as sure as you were before of the path you would like to take?

Well, I'm sure this won't be the biggest surprise of your life, but today is not the day when you'll finally be able to buy Rodeo Drive! You might win the lottery a little later!

In fact, even a raffle would be great. Since you sometimes have your head in the stars you need to pay attention to where you put your feet. It's too easy to fall. 


Virgo in love

Today the Moon will offer you all the sweetness of love. Are you committed to a long-term relationship? Because of the strong emotions that you'll be experiencing you'll almost certainly feel the need to be reassured by your partner. Don't hesitate to run to them for comfort while you share your doubts and fears.

Are you currently single? Today's worries will encourage you to let your guard down and open your heart to someone around you. Your sensitivity and honesty will affect them more than you think. Whether that means they're into you ... it's only a short step but it's not for me to say!

In a relationship: gentleness and understanding

As a good Virgo, you recognize the importance of your relationship with your partner. In your eyes love isn't about blindly doing what society considers to be important. You flourish in your relationship, giving without expecting anything in return and discovering new things every day.

On this September 19, what you'll probably need most is some reassurance. And you'll get it from your partner when you open your heart and ask them for their understanding. 

If you're single: your charm won't go unnoticed

You may not realize it, but your personality has been catching the eye of someone you already know. When it comes to seduction, a lot of people make the mistake of trying too hard. But that's not for you! Like many Virgos, you only need to be who you are to get attention.

Today you need to talk about your problems and find some solutions to improve your future. So just be open and honest. Showing your weakness can be seductive.


Virgo at work

On this September 19, the Sun will give your energy a boost and increase your motivation at work. You're aware of your goals and determined to get things moving so you'll be proactive and ready with good ideas.

This willingness is obviously a good thing. Keep in mind, however, that some things will always be out of your control. So don't be discouraged if the situation doesn't develop as quickly as you hope. Your efforts will pay off in the long-term.

Opportunities: trust your instincts

One thing is certain, if you want to advance with your projects you'll first have to learn to identify your opportunities for development a bit better. By emphasizing the importance of intuition, the Moon could be a big help to you in this regard.

Today, therefore, pay particular attention to your professional environment. Perhaps by talking to colleagues you don't usually interact with or by looking out for unusual signs, no matter how small. They could be harbingers of change.

Virgo and money

Since you are rarely afraid to fully commit to projects that are important to you, your finances are in good shape. Of course, your situation could be even more comfortable, but you have learned to be satisfied with what you have.

Like some Virgos, you believe that a person's happiness doesn't depend on their material possessions.

Your prospects: nothing new on the horizon

When it comes to money you prefer to work for the long-term rather than risking everything on a whim.

At the moment you are happy with your situation and don't intend starting a new project yet. Change is for later! This self-control is commendable.


An overview of your day of September 19

The conjunction of Venus, the Sun and the Moon in Virgo today promises a day full of emotions. At work, your usually infallible motivation may come up against the harsh reality of things. If you are expecting too much of the short term, then you may be disappointed by this turn of events.

Would you like to spot your opportunities for development more quickly? Change how you approach things and put more trust in your instincts. It's possible your intuition will guide you towards new and more enriching horizons! In your love life you'll feel the need to get sustenance from your cozy and comfortable routine.

Today you'll find solace with the people who matter to you and who have always been by your side, in good times and in bad. Don't hesitate to continue to place your trust in them. There is no point in carrying your burden alone.

My tip on how to make the most of today

As is often the case with Virgos, your emotions will play tricks on you today. For your well-being it's essential you analyze things but you also need to give yourself some distance on them. How could you use your hyper-sensitivity to your advantage? Your continued growth will depend on your ability to understand your strengths and weaknesses better.

Once you learn more about yourself your love life will quickly become much more satisfying and career opportunities won't be long in coming either. So you know what you need to do!

The Moon of September 19

Waning gibbous

In success or failure, self-restraint is essential. Take advantage of the waning gibbous moon to give yourself some distance from things that have been particularly important to you recently. This will help you not to make avoidable mistakes in the future. 

Virgo compatibility

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