Horoscope for Sunday, May 19

The least I can say about today is that with the presence of Venus, Uranus and Neptune, Capricorns won't have time to be bored. In love, there is good and not so good for some Capricorns. If you are in a relationship, you might try something new in an effort to rekindle the flame with your partner, but it's a waste of time. It seems that, despite your willingness, your good intentions are just too late.

Your loved one doesn't seem to be at all receptive to your efforts to improve the situation between the two of you. If you are single, on the other hand, it's time to take stock so you don't keep on repeating the same patterns that are stopping you from getting out of your current situation.

Professionally, not everyone is good and kind. You finally open your eyes to the people who work with you and you don't like what you see. It is time to act to raise the bar and quickly! Financially, you may need to invest in a lawyer to improve your professional situation. Be brave, you'll soon see the light at the end of the tunnel.


When it comes to luck the Capricorn astral climate is a bit lacking today. I'm not going to lie to you - whether in love or at work, things may not be very pleasant.

Nevertheless, a little discreet luck should help you avoid major pitfalls. Don't count on winning the lottery today though, that type of luck is definitely off the agenda.


Capricorn in love

In love the Capricorn astral climate swings between hope and disappointment. If you are in a relationship, you feel the impetus to breathe new life into your relationship. However, you seem to be the only one who appreciates the effort you are making. This May 19, you may suffer a setback that will cause real emotional injury. Neptune has undoubtedly made you overestimate the power of what you've been doing recently to try to rekindle your relationship.

If you are single, you understand that you need to change your ways. Don't forget, the more often you go out and try talking to new people, the more chance you have of meeting the one for you. If you take the easy way out and stay at home, you're unlikely to meet the perfect person for you. Do something to change things!

In a relationship: your souffle has fallen flat

Today, influenced by Venus and Uranus, the usually shy and reserved you decides to come out of your shell. This Sunday, you have an unprecedented burst of confidence that you can show your partner all the passion they inspire in you.

However, it seems your passion has arrived too late and, judging by your partner's reaction, what was a great personal challenge for you was a waste of time for them. Neptune has visibly clouded your judgment and your efforts are not having the desired effect. Your attempt at seduction is not as well received as you might hope.

Single: a big challenge awaits you

With Uranus in the configuration of this May 19, you are thinking about big changes in your love life. You know that when it comes to improving your romantic situation, you already hold the keys to your destiny. Under the influence of Venus and Neptune, you have very high expectations of your romance but you know that the first thing you need to do if you're going to find that special someone is to step out of your ivory tower.

Inability to communicate and shyness are your main enemies and they stop you from meeting new people. Today you acknowledge the problem and decide to change your behavior so you can get better results. Be brave! You are on the right track.


Capricorn at work

At work Uranus is making Capricorns very reactive. If you are self-employed, you have a sudden realization that one of the people you work with is damaging your results.

You realize that this person is enjoying all the benefits without working as hard as you do. In short, they are living off your hard work and you understand it's time to put an end to this partnership which sooner or later will lead you to ruin.

Opportunities: that inspire you to move

With Venus and Uranus in your astral sky, you are thirsty for change in your professional life. If you've been working from home so you can give more time to your family you need to try something different.

You need to move, to explore other opportunities and to stretch your mind. You've had enough of standing still and you want to feel driven by your job, to make it a passion that encourages you to do and be better. In short, you look for information on how to retrain.

Capricorn and money

In finance, the Capricorn astral climate supports the wise use of your money. Your finances are closely linked to your professional sphere today and you may decide it's worthwhile investing a substantial sum to settle a dispute with a work partner.

Or you might be ready to embark on private investigation and legal costs to get rid of an associate who defrauds you shamelessly. Don't worry, you have every chance of success on your side.

Gains and losses: your insight guides you

With Uranus in your sky the time for change is now! Although Neptune may lead you down the garden path with regard to your emotions, this is not the case with your finances. Venus is there to keep watch over your money and help you maintain some stability.

If an investment that seems enticing comes your way, for once you won't rush into it. You'll carefully weigh all the pros and cons before taking action.


An overview of your day of May 19

In love today doesn't look very rosy for Capricorns who are in a relationship. You realize you need to do something to save your relationship but you've opened your eyes too late. Unfortunately, your partner doesn't believe what you say or what you do, and this hurts you deeply.

If you are single, you look at your situation bluntly and understand that your single state is entirely your own fault. Obviously, you can't meet anyone new if you never leave home and are incapable of even a minimum of sociability. The very least you need to do if you want to meet new people is talk to them!

On the work side, you want to explore something new and get retrained in a profession that is more exciting for you. You're tired of working just to pay the bills and you want a job that gives your working life a kind of sense.

My advice for making the most of today

This day can be complicated from an emotional point of view. You risk experiencing a lot of things that are not necessarily pleasant. However, you have the resilience to make a fresh start in most areas of your life. Happiness may not be found where you think it should be. Have you ever considered that you could branch off from the path you've chosen without it being an irreparable disaster?

You are intelligent, you have good intuition and the protection of the universe to guide you on the right path. Accept the need to stop trying to control everything, you might be surprised how well things work out when you give up the pointless struggle.

The Moon of May 19

Waxing gibbous

The waxing gibbous moon is unlikely to have any traps in store for you. In fact, thanks to it you should be able to take some big steps closer to some of your goals. Life is always easier when you have the support you need, don't you think? 

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