Horoscope for Saturday, July 27

On this July 27, Taurus will be taking stock of what they really want. That said, under the influence of the Moon, Mars, and Neptune, you will probably make a lot of progress in your dreams but little in real life. In short, your imagination is running wild, but you have a tendency to stay stuck in your rut.

So although you are unlikely to act to put big changes in place today that won't stop you making plans in your head. In your love life you think about giving someone you loved very much in the past another chance. If you are single, you are reconsidering what you want from your ideal relationship. Professionally, you would like to move to a job elsewhere, you feel like you've been trapped in the same place for too long.

However, you feel guilty at the idea of throwing everything away to follow your current dreams. Despite today's somewhat odd astral climate, your financial interests are protected so that's one thing you don't need to worry about.


The astral climate in luck is favorable, but the Moon's influence may cause you to block over things that could be good in your life. Your finances are protected but if you wanted to take a little risk you could get a lot more than you have.

It is the same with your professional relationships; it is up to you to open yourself to novelty, but the fear of failure paralyzes you. In short, avoid gambling today, this Saturday you are not a winner.


Taurus in love

The astral climate for Taurus who are in a relationship looks a little troubled. You'll be spending a lot of time thinking about someone from your past who you find it very difficult to cut ties with. A phone call or a text from them is enough to set your pulses racing and you're not sure what to do about it.

If you are single, the Moon and Neptune make you wonder about what you are really looking for in a romantic relationship. This is an opportunity to redefine your priorities before meeting someone new.

In a relationship: the temptation is strong

Officially, you are a happily settled Taurus, but Neptune is teasing you with the memory of an ancient flame that you thought was extinguished. This Saturday, however, this person will resurface fondly in your memory and you 'll be wondering whether you want to pick up where you left off.

So, off you go into a dream world, imagining the challenges and secrets that starting again would bring your way. You catch yourself visualizing how your relationship could be transformed for the better. A part of you is convinced that this person is bound to you by fate and, no matter how hard you try, they'll always be in your life.

Single: you work out what you want

Influenced by the Moon, single Taurus might feel the inclination to do a Bridget Jones and keep a diary to write down their definition of the ideal partner and their criteria for a successful romantic relationship.

You are looking for love with a capital L, a relationship as solid as a rock that lasts lifelong. It must make you feel emotionally balanced, but also intellectually nourished. In short, anyone who has the IQ of a goldfish or is incapable of expressing their feelings need not apply.


Taurus at work

In the work sphere, the astral climate is encouraging Taurus to do a lot of travel, from their armchairs! Under the impact of Neptune and Mars, you might plan to request a transfer elsewhere, or simply decide to change jobs so you can live somewhere different.

You want to move but this July 27 is not going to be the day that you take the plunge and make your desire to escape a reality. At the moment hypothetical suits you, you aren't ready yet to make your projects more concrete.

Opportunities: you are afraid to grasp

It seems the Moon is making you so hesitant that even if opportunities come your way, you're afraid to grab them. At the end of the day, you're very happy dreaming of moving away, just so long as no-one waves a plane ticket or an employment contract under your nose.

You can't see the bright side of things, the guilt you feel about wanting to leave, or your conviction that things are going to go wrong in the end, are preventing you from taking the first step towards making your wishes come true.

Taurus and money

On the financial side, the astral climate for Taurus is quite interesting. This Saturday your accounts should stay in the black. Neptune restrains your urge to splurge, meaning you're unlikely to spend what you have today.

You invest in very low risk investments; even if they only bring in a little money you prefer that to the anxiety of possibly losing everything. 

Gains and losses: Mars pushes you to spend

On this Saturday, Mars still has influence over your finances and is pushing you to spend a little of your money to improve your living environment.

Fear not, you are not going to find yourself out in the streets because you've agreed to a quote to improve your house.


An overview of your day of July 27

The influence of Neptune associated with the Moon means Taurus will find it difficult to concentrate on the external world today. You want to dive into your dearest desires and your deepest anxieties. And today Mars seems to have its hands tied and is unable to help you.

So you find yourself paralyzed and unable to do anything about your dreams which seem too extreme to be carried out at the moment. In fact, today you love the idea of change so much that it won't have a chance to materialize. If you are in a relationship, you don't feel ready to let go of it, but you're not ready to let go of the past either, so nothing changes there.

For singles, the mood is more hopeful as you put no limits on what you want to happen in the future. Professionally, you need new things, but the idea of moving makes you feel so unstable that you give up your craving.

My advice for making the most of today

This day looks like it'll be a little complicated because you are feeling very conflicted. You let your imagination and your desires run riot, but you nip any possibilities in the bud because of your fear of failure. All projects, whatever they are, require some personal investment and involve taking risks or even making sacrifices.

However, you prefer to stay suffering in your corner instead of being brave enough to make choices and influence outcomes. Find out what is holding you back and try to dismantle the blockages that are limiting your progress. You are much stronger than you imagine, the fear of failure should not make you give up on your dreams.

The Moon of July 27

Waning gibbous

During the waning gibbous moon you should consider taking your foot off the accelerator a little and taking a step back to think about what you have done recently. But don't rest on your laurels for too long or you might feel overwhelmed by life continuing. 

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